Splunk data onboarding: Success with Syslog-ng and Splunk – part 2
NuHarbor SecurityIf you’re just getting started, be sure to check out Part 1 of our series: Data Onboarding Success Part 1 – Success With Syslog-NG and Splunk.
How Do I Install Syslog-ng?
Make sure you download the latest version of syslog-ng. The version in your distributions package manager may not be current.
You can find the latest version from the VERSION file of the git-hub repository for syslog-ng: https://github.com/balabit/syslog-ng/blob/master/VERSION
NOTE: If you’re using SELinux, syslog-ng will only open the default ports for syslog and output to the default syslog directories. Either place SELinux mode in permissive and audit events that don’t match SELinux, or follow the installation instructions that can be found on the syslog-ng website:
- For RedHat7-based systems (CentOS, Fedora, Amazon Linux, Oracle Linux, etc.):
- For RedHat6-based systems:
- For Debian-based systems:
Configuration Goals
We want to make the process of bringing new data into Splunk as easy and efficient as possible. To do this, we have the following goals with our syslog-ng infrastructure:
- Accept data on TCP and UDP.
- Ensure log files are readable by the Splunk user, without root permissions.
- Collect clean hostname values.
- Sort data into directories based on sourcetypes.
- Sort data into directories based on hostname.
- Ensure we have complete timestamp data on all events.
- Minimize likelihood of dropped or truncated events.
- Capture all events that are received by syslog server and route any unknown devices into a catch_all location.
- Allow easy log rotation/cleanup.
- Ensure events are in plain text long enough for Splunk to read them.
Sections of a Syslog-ng Configuration
Let’s talk about the syslog-ng.conf file. This is where we configure the syslog server, and there are four primary sections of this configuration:
- Options = settings that apply to all other configurations.
- Sources = where we define what data we’re listening for.
- Template = how we should format the logs we save to disk.
- Destination = where to save the logs.
- Filters = determine what data to log to which destination.
- Log = brings together all prior settings and determines what file to write to which destination based on its source and filter.
Next, we’ll discuss how we can use configurations in those sections to meet our Splunk success goals.
Accept Data on TCP and UDP
This is done in the sources section. Each source line spawns a CPU thread. UDP sources are single-threaded while TCP sources are multithreaded.
# Sources -
## ***Don't syslog across subnets, or your data may appear to come from the router that sends the data***
## For large environments, recommend sending big UDP data sources to unique ports
## to resolve UDP receive buffer issues.
source s_tcp_network { network(ip( port(514) transport(tcp)); };
##See comments below for environments with high UDP syslog volume
source s_udp_network { network(ip( port(514) transport(udp)) ; };
##Additional Source UDP Port. Useful when you have multiple high volume syslog sources
#source s_udp_1514 { network(ip( (port(1514) transport(udp)); };
Ensure Log Files Are Readable by the Splunk User, Without Root Permissions
This is done via the options section.
## Create output directory if it doesn’t already exist.
create_dirs (yes);
## Configure the directory owner, group, and permissions.
## Configure the file owner, group, and permissions
Collect Clean Hostname Values
Ensure that you have valid DNS A and PTR records. There are also some key values to pay attention to in the Options section. Here you’ll see a few key fields, check_hostname, keep_hostname, normalize_hostname, and use_dns. You’ll also notice that setting keep_hostname(yes) causes syslog-ng to ignore several options if the original event contains the host value.
# Check client hostnames for valid DNS characters:
check_hostname (yes);
##setting keep_hostname(yes) = if the message contains a $HOST value we’ll use that.
## keep_hostname(no) = use DNS to resolve the $HOST name from the received event.
## If keep_hostname(yes) and the event has a hostname, the following options have no effect:
## use_dns(), use_fqdn(), normalize_hostnames(), and dns_cache() options
##cache results to reduce the number of lookups required to filter by $HOST or output to $HOST
## Number of clients to cache: default value is 1007
Sort Data Into Directories Based on Hostname and Sourcetypes
This is done via the destination configuration section. In the example below, we’ve created four destinations: cisco-asa, juniper, paloalto, and a catch_all directory. You must make a destination for each sourcetype you wish to collect in Splunk, and the host value will be automatically filled in via the ${HOST} variable as received from the event message.
The remaining path variables in the destination lines allow easy log rotation/cleanup of ${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}00 will split the output file into new files for each hour. This way, you can configure log rotation to either tar.gz or delete any files older than X hours.
If you only want to create a new file by the day, just remove the ${HOUR} variable.
### Destinations
## destination lines define the output path format. Here, we put the sourcetype as the fourth directory, the host as the fifth directory, and the log file with the Year-Month-Day-Hour as part of the log name.
destination d_cisco_asa { file("/opt/syslog/logs/cisco-asa/${HOST}/${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}00-cisco-asa.log" template(t_default_format) ); };
destination d_juniper { file("/opt/syslog/logs/juniper/${HOST}/${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}00-juniper.log" template(t_default_format) ); };
destination d_palo_alto { file("/opt/syslog/logs/paloalto/${HOST}/${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}00-palo.log" template(t_message_only) ); };
destination d_all { file("/opt/syslog/logs/catch_all/$HOST-$SOURCEIP/$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY-${HOUR}00-catch_all.log" template(t_default_format) ); };
The filter section determines what data is routed to those destinations we have defined, and ensures that we capture all events that are received by syslog server and route any unknown devices into a catch_all location.
### Filters
## filter lines are processed in order, so your first filter should be for your sourcetype with the most events per second. Generally this will be your primary firewall or a proxy server.
## Cisco:ASA filter, by a regex match for something that should only appear in ASA messages, as well as netmask and host filters.
filter f_cisco_asa {
match(\%ASA-\d-\d{6}) or
netmask( or
## Juniper filter, by values that appear in Juniper syslog messages.
filter f_juniper {
match(\d\sJnpr Syslog\s\d+|\sJuniper\:\s|\sjunos-[\w\-]+\s|\sIDP\:\s|\:\sNetScreen\s)
## PaloAlto filter by netmask or host name.
filter f_palo_alto {
netmask( or
## filter anything that doesn’t match our existing filters.
filter f_all { not (
filter(f_cisco_asa) or
filter(f_juniper) or
); };
Ensure We Have Complete Timestamp Data on All Events
This is handled by the templates section of our config. In the example below, I have defined two templates we can use to set the output format of our log file. There are many more fields available for file formatting than I have below.
### Template
## template lines allow us to define the output log line format of messages. In the examples below, we have a ‘t_msg_only’ template, which is useful for events such as JSON formatted events. The ‘t_default_format’ template mirrors default output settings, but we use the timestamp from the source of the event rather than the default setting of using the Syslog Receiver timestamp.
template t_msg_only { template("${MSG}\n"); template_escape(no); };
template t_default_format { template("${DATE} ${HOST} ${MSGHDR}${MESSAGE}\n"); template_escape(no); };
Most of your destination lines will use template(t_default_format). This ensures that all messages have a timestamp and end with a new line, making parsing easy. Additionally, if an event already has a timestamp, we standardize the format rather than use the format of the event itself.
The template, t_msg_only, is useful for events that already contain a timestamp and other helpful data, such as JSON events. We don’t want to put syslog headers in front of JSON events because that will turn them into an invalid JSON format. The same goes for XML or CEF formatted syslog messages. We want Splunk to ingest as close to the original format as possible.
Minimize Likelihood of Dropped or Truncated Events
There are a few things that will help reduce your chances of dropping events. The first is to use a different UDP source for each high-volume UDP syslog data source. UDP inputs are single-threaded, and if you have a very high-volume source, it will hog the connection and not allow the other device to report. Edge or primary firewalls and proxy hosts generally tend to be the highest volume sources. If you’re sending events from those systems over UDP, configure a separate source for each device.
Additionally, we need to ensure that we have enough buffer to allow for events to exist in memory until it can be written to disk. We also need to ensure that we can accept large messages.
##The size of the output buffer. Each destination has its own one of these. If you set it globally, one buffer is created for each destination, in the size you specify. This is the memory buffer before events are written to disk.
## Below are the default values:
##maximum length of a message in bytes. Increase if events are being truncated in syslog.
If you only have a single source that you expect large messages on, it’s better to add the log_msg_size option to your source line rather than modify the line in options. If we want to double the event size for a source, here’s what it looks like:
## below configuration may not work without first increasing kernel buffer sizes due to use of so_rcvbuff. However, you will still see a large benefit of simply using a new UDP source for your high-volume syslog device.
source s_udp_large_events { network(ip( port(11514) transport(udp) so_rcvbuf(2097152)) log_msg_size(16584) ; };
Bring it All Together: Let’s See That Syslog-ng.conf!
@version: 3.17
@include "scl.conf"
@include "/etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/*.conf"
### Options
options {
create_dirs (yes);
time_reopen (10);
check_hostname (yes);
### Source
source s_tcp_network { network(ip( port(514) transport(tcp)); };
source s_udp_network { network(ip( port(514) transport(udp)) ; };
### Template
template t_msg_only { template("${MSG}\n"); template_escape(no); };
template t_default_format { template("${DATE} ${HOST} ${MSGHDR}${MESSAGE}\n"); template_escape(no); };
### Destinations
destination d_cisco_asa { file("/opt/syslog/logs/cisco-asa/${HOST}/${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}00-cisco-asa.log" template(t_default_format) ); };
destination d_juniper { file("/opt/syslog/logs/juniper/${HOST}/${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}00-juniper.log" template(t_default_format) ); };
destination d_palo_alto { file("/opt/syslog/logs/paloalto/${HOST}/${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}00-palo.log" template(t_message_only) ); };
destination d_all { file("/opt/syslog/logs/catch_all/$HOST-$SOURCEIP/$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY-${HOUR}00-catch_all.log" template(t_default_format) ); };
### Filters
filter f_cisco_asa { match(\%ASA-\d-\d{6}) or
netmask( or
filter f_juniper {
match(\d\sJnpr Syslog\s\d+|\sJuniper\:\s|\sjunos-[\w\-]+\s|\sIDP\:\s|\:\sNetScreen\s)
filter f_palo_alto {
netmask( or
filter f_all { not (
filter(f_cisco_asa) or
filter(f_juniper) or
); };
### Logs
## These should be listed in order of most common to least common events since they’ll be processed in order. The flags(final) instruct syslog-ng to stop processing log lines once it finds one that matches and ensures you don’t end up with duplicate data.
log { source(s_udp_network); source(s_tcp_network); filter(f_cisco_asa); destination(d_cisco_asa); flags(final); };
log { source(s_udp_network); source(s_tcp_network); filter(f_juniper); destination(d_juniper); flags(final); };
log { source(s_udp_network); source(s_tcp_network); filter(f_palo_alto); destination(d_palo_alto); flags(final); };
log { source(s_udp_network); source(s_tcp_network); filter(f_all); destination(d_all); flags(catchall); };
Now that we have our data sorted into directory names that indicate our expected sourcetype, and we have our hostnames in the directory path, how do we bring this data in to Splunk?
The first step is to install the Splunk Universal Forwarder (UF). There are a few reasons we want to use a UF and not a HF:
- A UF is lightweight and requires minimal system resources.
- The start/stop/restart process is much faster for a UF.
- UFs just send the data.
- HFs process data before sending to the indexers. This increases the data size and sends what is called “cooked” data rather than “raw” data.
With the UF installed, we need to instruct it on what to collect. To do this we need to update or create an inputs.conf file and push it out from a deployment server (DS). If you don’t have a DS, you can configure inputs locally on the collector. Either in splunk/etc/system/local/inputs.conf, or preferably, in a standalone app, such as splunk/etc/apps/my_syslog_server_configuration_app.
For the actual inputs.conf file, here’s what we would want to add to collect our sample data for Cisco-ASA, Juniper, and PaloAlto devices. We do not want to ingest the catch_all directory to Splunk.
disabled = 0
## host_segment defines the subdirectory in our path that contains the hostname of our device
host_segment = 5
## where to save the data in Splunk
index = network_firewall
## The sourcetype that we are using for our parsing within Splunk
sourcetype = cisco:asa
disabled = 0
host_segment = 5
index = network_firewall
sourcetype = juniper
disabled = 0
host_segment = 5
index = network_firewall
sourcetype = pan:log
What About “Logrotate” to Remove Old Files?
Since we’re splitting files by Year-Month-Day-Hour, we can run a cron job to clean up our old files. If you only want to keep two weeks of data, add the following to cron:
find /opt/syslog-ng/logs/ -daystart -mtime +14 -type f -exec rm {} \;
Continue reading:
Splunk Data Onboarding: Success With Syslog-NG and Splunk – Part 3 Troubleshooting
Splunk Data Onboarding: Success With Syslog-NG and Splunk – Part 1